I am a senior undergraduate student at University of Michigan with a major in Data Science Engineering. I am also dual majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
My current research focuses are mainly in scientific machine learning and computer vision, with a particular emphasis on bridging the physical world and machine learning insights. I am primarily interested in generative models applied to scientific and real-world challenges, such as physics simulations and decision-making processes, and also in vision-related tasks like 3D vision. I am currently advised by Prof. JJ Park. I have been fortunate to also be mentored by Dr. Guandao Yang and Prof. Yifei Zhu. I am always active in exploring more fields and am open to research opportunities.
I am actively seeking a PhD position starting in Fall 2025!
Resumé | Statement
B.S.E. in Data Science, 2025
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
B.E. in Electrical Computer Engineering, 2025
Shanghai Jiao Tong University